top of stomach hard

Top of stomach hard and burning in abdomen: healing gut inflammation

Are you familiar with the uncomfortable sensation of a burning feeling in upper abdomen? Is your top of stomach hard and bloated? These symptoms may indicate the presence of gut inflammation, a widespread condition affecting many individuals worldwide.

To shed light on this issue and offer potential solutions for relief, a recent study by researchers from the University of Southern California has delved into the intricacies of gut inflammation and has suggested surprising ways to reduce inflammation in the intestines.

Top of stomach hard? Upper gut distended? Burning feeling in upper abdomen? You may be suffering from intestinal inflammation. This treatment could help.

In the past 100 years of research into calorie restriction, no one recognized the method for reducing inflammation that this study has uncovered.

This research provides hope and potential relief for anyone struggling with the debilitating effects of inflammation in the upper abdomen.

burning feeling in upper abdomen

By cycling the FMD diet, it’s possible to reduce inflammation to relieve that debilitating burning feeling in upper abdomen and calm that hard upper stomach.   

Top of stomach hard? What it could mean.

Do you sometimes experience the uncomfortable sensation of the top part of your stomach being bloated? If bloating in the upper part of your stomach is an issue, whether it’s extreme bloating or high abdominal bloating, it may be indicative of underlying problems such as gut inflammation or conditions like Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), or Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It may indicate a serious gastrointestinal issue, whether you have a consistently bloated upper stomach or just a bloated upper abdomen after eating. It’s essential to pay attention to these signals from your body and seek proper understanding and solutions. 

In this article, we will explore a new way of approaching a unique and natural treatment for intestinal inflammation, which may result in a hard upper stomach, and associated symptoms like pain below the ribs and upper abdominal swelling. Your upper abdomen may appear larger than the lower part due to a distended upper abdomen. 

Do you have a burning feeling in upper abdomen?

If you’ve ever experienced a burning feeling in your upper abdomen, you know how uncomfortable and distressing it can be. It can be so debilitating and constant that it affects your ability to work, enjoy relationships, and can lead to a poor quality of life. 

Some people refer to this sensation as pain in the mid-abdomen after eating, a burning feeling in upper abdomen, pain in upper abdomen, a gnawing feeling in the upper abdomen, upper center abdominal pain under the ribs, or bloating in the upper stomach. 

However you describe it, it’s essential to address these symptoms, as they might be associated with upper abdomen inflammation, which, if left untreated, may severely impact many facets of your life. 

Other common symptoms of gut inflammation

In addition to a hard and swollen upper abdomen and a burning feeling in the intestines, other symptoms are common when the gut is inflamed. These include:

  1. Abdominal Pain: Gut inflammation can cause varying abdominal pain or discomfort. This pain is often described as cramping, sharp, or dull, and it can be localized or spread throughout the abdomen.
  2. Diarrhea: Inflammation in the gut can lead to changes in bowel movements, including frequent loose stools or diarrhea. The stools may contain mucus or blood in more severe cases.
  3. Constipation: While gut inflammation often leads to diarrhea, it can also result in constipation for some individuals. This can cause difficulty passing stools and a feeling of incomplete bowel movements.
  4. Gas: Excessive gas production and bloating are common symptoms of gut inflammation. This can cause the abdomen to feel distended and uncomfortable.
  5. Nausea and Vomiting: Inflammation in the gut can trigger feelings of nausea and may occasionally lead to vomiting, especially in more severe cases.
  6. Loss of Appetite: Gut inflammation can cause a decrease in appetite due to the discomfort and pain associated with eating.
  7. Lack of Energy, Fatigue and Weakness: Chronic gut inflammation can lead to a lack of energy, feelings of fatigue and a general feeling of weakness. This may be attributed to nutrient deficiencies and the overall impact on the body’s immune system.
  8. Weight Loss: Unintentional weight loss is sometimes observed in individuals with gut inflammation, particularly if the condition affects nutrient absorption or causes significant changes in bowel habits.
  9. Rectal Bleeding: In certain cases, gut inflammation can lead to rectal bleeding, which may be seen as bright red blood in the stool or noticed on toilet paper.
  10. Joint Pain and Inflammation: Some individuals with gut inflammation may experience joint pain and swelling, particularly in conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
  11. Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep: IBD, IBS, and gut inflammation in general can disrupt sleep patterns due to pain and discomfort, urgency and frequent bathroom trips, night sweats, anxiety and stress, and certain medications.
  12. Anxiety, depression and moodiness: Gut inflammation can contribute to increased anxiety and irritability. When the gut is inflamed, it can disrupt the balance of beneficial bacteria and impact the production of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, which play a role in mood regulation. Additionally, the physical discomfort and chronic nature of gut inflammation can lead to heightened stress levels and emotional distress, further exacerbating anxiety and irritability.
  13. Nightmares and vivid dreams: The health of your gut can lead to increased nightmares and vivid dreams. An unhealthy gut, characterized by imbalances in gut bacteria, inflammation, and poor digestion, can disrupt the production of neurotransmitters and hormones that regulate sleep. Additionally, certain foods or substances that irritate the gut, such as caffeine or spicy foods, can contribute to restless sleep and increase the likelihood of nightmares. For some people, just having food in the gut at night can make dreams and nightmares occur. Try fasting from late afternoon if you want to stop nightmares and dreams so that there is no food or residue in your intestines while you sleep. 
  14. Delayed gut motility: Gut inflammation can contribute to delayed gut motility, which refers to the slowed movement of food through the digestive tract. Inflammation in the gut can disrupt the normal functioning of the intestinal muscles and nerves responsible for moving food along the digestive system.

    When the gut is inflamed, the coordination and contractions of the intestinal muscles may be compromised, leading to a decrease in gut motility. A severe case of delayed gut motility may be diagnosed as Gastorparesis.

    Several factors can contribute to gut inflammation, including inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, infections, food sensitivities, and autoimmune conditions. 

It’s important to note that these symptoms can vary depending on the underlying cause and severity of gut inflammation. If you are experiencing persistent or concerning symptoms, it is advisable to seek medical attention for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.


Is Healing Gut Inflammation Even Possible? Promising treatment for Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

Recent research has shed light on the potential for somewhat healing gut inflammation, or reducing it, particularly in conditions like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. A groundbreaking study published in the journal Cell Reports investigated the efficacy of a low-calorie “fasting-mimicking” diet in reducing inflammation and fostering gut healing. The study involved human subjects and mice, and the results were highly encouraging. [1]

Adopting a fasting-mimicking diet showed a significant reduction in intestinal inflammation and a remarkable increase in intestinal stem cells. The study even demonstrated the potential of this dietary approach to reverse the pathological effects of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in mice, providing hope for mitigating IBD symptoms in humans. [2]

Could this new approach help you reduce a burning feeling in upper abdomen and bloating and abdominal swelling? 

What is the Fasting-Mimicking Diet?

The Fasting-Mimicking Diet (FMD) involves following a specific way of eating for a set period, typically five consecutive days. During these days, the diet restricts calories and certain nutrients, aiming to create a fasting-like metabolic state while still providing essential nutrients to minimize potential adverse effects.

The FMD typically involves consuming around 800 to 1,100 calories per day, with specific macronutrient ratios. The diet is low in carbohydrates and protein but relatively higher in healthy fats. It is also designed to provide specific micronutrients to support overall health and minimize nutrient deficiencies.

The FMD aims to trigger several beneficial effects similar to those observed during fasting, such as promoting cellular rejuvenation, autophagy (a cellular recycling process), and metabolic changes that may positively impact health and longevity. Although more research is needed, some potential benefits that have been suggested include weight loss, improved glucose regulation, reduced inflammation, and enhanced cellular resilience.

It is important to note that the fasting-mimicking diet should be undertaken under the guidance of a healthcare professional, as it may not be suitable for everyone. It is particularly important if you have certain medical conditions, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or taking medications to consult your healthcare provider before attempting the FMD.

Key Findings from the Study

Drawing upon extensive research, a scientific team sought to investigate the efficacy of a low-calorie “fasting-mimicking” diet in reducing inflammation and fostering gut healing. This “fasting-mimicking” diet study showcased promising results in both human subjects and mice. 

Adopting a fasting-mimicking diet exhibited a notable reduction in intestinal inflammation and a remarkable increase in intestinal stem cells. Moreover, the study demonstrated the potential of this dietary approach to reverse the pathological effects of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in mice, offering a potential avenue for mitigating IBD symptoms in humans. [3]

Insights from Leading Experts

Valter Longo, renowned director of the USC Longevity Institute and one of the esteemed authors of the study, has emphasized the significance of these findings. Longo notes, “This study represents an amalgamation of two distinct realms of research. Firstly, we examine the everyday diet, with numerous studies highlighting the importance of a diet abundant in vegetables, nuts, and olive oil. Secondly, we explore the effects of fasting on inflammation, regeneration, and the aging process.”

Longo underscores the importance of periodic fasting-mimicking diets, especially for individuals with suboptimal dietary habits, stating, “Intermittent utilization of a low-calorie, plant-based diet that simulates a fasting state can offer restorative benefits to cells.” Previous clinical trials associated with this approach have demonstrated reduced risk factors for various life-threatening diseases among participants.

healing gut inflammation

    Implications and Future Directions 

    While fasting can pose challenges and potential risks, the fasting-mimicking diet presents a safer and more sustainable alternative. The study’s findings highlight the crucial role of specific dietary components, including prebiotic ingredients, in promoting microbial balance and exerting anti-inflammatory effects.

    The research team further observed regenerative effects in the colon and small intestine, suggesting that fasting primes the body for improvement. At the same time, re-feeding allows cellular and tissue rebuilding. These insights underscore the importance of the “re-feeding” phase, previously overlooked in calorie restriction research.

    Considering the substantial number of Americans—approximately 1.6 million—who suffer from IBD, a randomized clinical trial utilizing fasting-mimicking diet cycles to manage this condition is imperative for validating its safety and effectiveness. The study authors are actively finalizing a comprehensive clinical trial protocol to explore the potential benefits of this dietary intervention in human subjects.


    The Gentle and Calm Gut eBook:

    The steps I followed for reducing intestinal inflammation, upper abdominal bloating and the burning sensation in my gut, so I could live a healthy and happy life.

    The Gentle and Calm Gut eBook details the techniques I use to keep intestinal inflammation at bay. After years of struggling with a burning gut, hard and distended upper abdomen, chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment poor sleep and debilitating brain fog, I now can enjoy feeling clear-headed, pain free and energetic by following a diet that reduces inflammation in the gut. The book contains the philosophies and guidelines that I follow for a healthier, happier life.

    Get the eBook now:

    Gentle and Calm Gut

    Top of stomach hard and burning feeling in upper abdomen: healing gut inflammation – In summary

    This groundbreaking study illuminates the intricate relationship between gut inflammation, fasting-mimicking diets, and the prospects for healing. By comprehending how targeted dietary approaches can positively influence gut health, researchers have raised new hope for individuals grappling with the distressing symptoms of gut inflammation.
    It is crucial to remember that if you experience persistent symptoms such as a burning feeling in your upper abdomen, bloating, or hardness at the top of your stomach, consulting a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate guidance on managing your symptoms is essential. With their expertise, you can effectively navigate the path to relief and improved well-being.


    Want to exactly how I control my debilitating gut inflammation that results in chronic fatigue, low energy and severe exhaustion?



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    Holistic Health writer

    Prue M. is a holistic health advocate who has been profoundly impacted by a chronic illness that has touched every aspect of her life. In her quest for recovery, Prue has dedicated herself to deep research and rigorous study in holistic health, aiming to enhance her physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. With a rich background as an experienced writer, she is passionately committed to inspiring others to prioritize their health and explore the transformative potential of holistic practices.
    Gentle And Calm