My story.
There have been several “stepping stones” along my healing journey.
I’ve created guides that walk you through each.

Hi, I’m Prue.
I have struggled with gut issues for many years.
The pain and discomfort were so severe that I often felt like giving up on life.
But I’m so glad I didn’t.
Following is a list of symptoms I’ve suffered for years.
There are many more, but this is a list of the ones that come to mind as I write.
Below is a list of my symptoms:
- Cognitive impairment
- Memory loss (inability to remember names and faces, what I was doing even a few seconds ago)
- Brain fog
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Irritability
- Personality changes
- Chronic fatigue
- Deep aches all through my body
- Intense and persistent nausea all day and night
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
- Bloating
- A hard, distended gut
- A severe burning sensation in my stomach and intestines that never seemed to go away
- Red and inflamed eyes
- Fluid retention
- Headaches
- Explosive temper
- Sensitivity to noise
- Severe headaches
- Disassociation (feeling disconnected from the world around me, like I was looking out of a filthy fish tank and the world was on the outside)
- Stuttering
- Low iron levels
- Drooping “sleepy” eyelids
- Inability to find the right words when speaking
- Weight loss from nutrient malabsorption and limiting my dietary intake to minimize symptoms.
- Eating after midday caused my symptoms to be incredibly severe the following day, so for around seven years, I have eaten meals up until noon and then fasted from noon until the next day.
How did I get here?
Well, that is the million-dollar question. Traveling Asia extensively in my childhood and for close to a decade in my 20s probably played a big part. I picked up a gut parasite named Helicobacter Pylori. A couple of parasites named Blastocystis Hominis and Dientamoeba Fragilis.
Add to this the stress of holding an international corporate position which required constant travel for years, burning the candle at both ends, and then raising children… well, that was probably the perfect storm for my gut to break down. And, perhaps there could have been genetic predisposition too.
I self-diagnosed Helicobacter Pylori after a lot of “Googling” of my symptoms around 8 years ago, and medical tests confirmed the self-diagnosis. I was treated with a strong antibiotic therapy which eradicated it, but also eradicated my good gut bacteria too. As antibiotics do.
But I wasn’t out of the woods yet. I continued to suffer horrendous symptoms that were destroying my life and taking away my ability to be the Mum I wanted. I struggled to get out of bed each day and even care for myself.
At this stage, a Naturopath discovered the parasites and advised that they needed to be treated, and a quadruple antibiotic therapy would be the only thing to wipe them out. Several doctors had found evidence of Blastocystis Hominis in the past but had assured me that “they won’t do any harm; many people live with them in their gut just fine.”
Well, that wasn’t the case for me. These parasites were making life a living hell. Every time I ate meat and grains, within minutes, it felt like a “curtain of doom” was being lowered around me, and I would go into a deep depression for hours. Once The antibiotic therapy filled the parasites, this symptom disappeared.
I have lived in this “diseased” state for over a decade, trying to make it through every day while raising three children, generating an income, and keeping the household wheels turning. There were many times when I didn’t know how much longer I could go on. If you are ready for my story and feel the same way, you need to know this. I’m so glad I did. Things can get better.
The lectin connection.
I knew that my diet was contributing to my symptoms.
For example, I discovered that if I ate anything substantial in the second part of the day, I would be violently sick the following day, with symptoms including vomiting and stomach upset. So I had to stop eating at around midday. I’ll go into more detail about this later.
Around 9 years into trying to make sense of my condition, I discovered lectins. I started eliminating lectins from my diet as much as possible, and my gut health improved. I continued, and week by week, I gained more strength and reduced more symptoms.
Of course, it is still a work in progress, and I likely have a long journey ahead, but my progress has been promising and reassuring. It’s been a long journey to get to where I am today. It will take time to heal completely, but I am hopeful now than ever.
I hope my journey can inspire and help others find relief, improve gut health and overall well-being, and improve their quality of life.
If you are suffering from similar symptoms, consider lectins’ impact on your gut health. It can be a challenging journey, but improving the quality of life is worth it.
If unwell, it is vital to be your health advocate. Seek out information and resources, and if need be, work with a doctor or nutritionist who can guide you toward better gut health.
Remember, you are not alone, and there is hope for a brighter future.