Take care of you, first.
Our guides map our journey from illness to wellness. Discover our gentle care practices for a calm gut, body, and mind.

About Gentle and Calm:
Self-care is at the forefront of everything we do.
Hi, I’m Prue. I’m a woman who has made some serious changes in my life and how I live. I’m a Mum of 3 boys. I’ve run a couple of online businesses over the past decade, and prior to that I worked internationally in the corporate space in marketing. But as all of this activity and stress dominated my life, my health and wellbeing was failing.
The short version of my health story is that I struggled with a chronic health condition that for the last decade had me bed-ridden most days for the week, and unable to function. But I kept trying to soldier on. “Kids and business first” was my daily mantra. And then, I had no choice but to stop.
Have you ever taken pause to consider why it is that that in the case of an emergency on a plane, the flight safety manual tells parents to put on their own oxygen mask first, before help their children?
As a mother, this seems counterintuitive, right? But when you think about it, it makes sense.
If you can’t breathe, you can’t keep your loved ones safe. So you must take care of your basic needs first.
It took me 45 years, 14 of these as a mother, and a life-threatening health crisis, to learn and accept that I must meet my health needs by priorizing selfcare first. This must be practised every single day. From the food I put into my mouth, to the activities I do, the workload I take on, and the people I spend time with.
I hope my website inspires you to prioritize your health and wellness too. You are important. Take care, ok?
The longer version of my health story is here:
Our Vision
Practice gentle and calm living
Self-care IS possible, despite the pressures of modern-day life. Our vision is to provide experiences, information, and products to encourage and enable everyone to practice self-care. Rejuvenate and heal through diet, mindfulness, and positive lifestyle choices.

Our Mission
Live in peace and good health
Everyone has a right to live peacefully and in a state of good health. Our mission is to empower individuals to prioritize self-care and well-being through education, products, and with resources that inspire and support personal growth, balance and happiness.
Transform & Thrive
What We Do

We aim to inspire a holistic approach to living that encompasses nurturing physical, mental, and emotional health. Having survived a decade of chronic illness, our founder understands that wellbeing is paramount to happiness.

Your gut is your second brain. We know that good nutrition is the key to physical, emotional and mental health. Switching to right diet can turn your life around in a matter of hours or days.

Exercise, stress management, building resilience, consistent sleep routine, mindfulness, and a good support system all contribute to wellbeing. We encourage you to embrace a positive lifestyle.